06 December 2007

John Wesley Powell I am Not, But Still...

Get this: if you're a boater-- I mean a real boater, not someone who hires raft guides-- it's next to impossible to get on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. To do it, you have to get a permit from the National Park Service- and the vast majority of permits go to the commercial outfitters, which charge thousands of bucks for the 15-day trip. The demand for the remaining "private boater" permits is so huge that the park service can charge applicants $25 just to have the chance to enter the lottery in hopes that they MIGHT get a permit that year.

I've never gotten a permit. Until yesterday. (That sound you heard was all my kayaking buddies scrambling for the cellphones to see if I might have space for one more. Of course I do. It's a full permit.)

It's a terrific opportunity, of course. A once-in-a-lifetime deal. And considering the academic work I'm doing on Powell's journals, it's right in line with my studies as well.

But here's the problem: I got the permit in the secondary lottery, which raffles off the slots that others have canceled on. I have to tell the park service by Dec. 10 if I want my launch date-- which entails dropping a deposit of $400. And the launch date is Jan. 14.

The first day of class for the spring semester at LSU.

I've committed to teach World Lit (1650-present) in the spring. (Not exciting to everyone, I know, but I'm pretty psyched about it. My syllabus rocks, if I do say so myself-- devised over a pious beer or two with my buddy Tom, who is teaching a section of the same course for the English department.) So, yes, I could beg someone (most likely Tom) to cover my class for the first two weeks-- after all the first week is just adding and dropping-- and MLK day accounts for one of the classes, so I wouldn't be missing much.

I could do this. Maybe. It would be kind of a rush and a stretch, but I could do it.

Except that the first couple of classes are crucial for setting the tone for the rest of the semester. And if I bail on the first two weeks, it's not a great way to get started. It's not exactly a display of commitment to my current line of work. My track record for making any kind of commitment at all over the past five years or so has not been so hot. I'd like to remedy that when I can.

Except that it's the GRAND CANYON. And just this once. Maybe. My department chair/committee chair (also a bit of an outdoor devotee) said he would understand...

I hate when "outdoor guy Richmond" decides to tangle with "academic guy Richmond." I like both of those guys and want them to get along. (And besides, Academic Richmond is kind of a wuss...)

So I have three days or so to figure this out and get a team together.

That's if I go.

If I don't, back into the lottery I go, to wait for another chance.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.


Anonymous said...


It's so imperative that you go on this once in a lifetime trip that I will actually send white water kayakers your way and make financial contributions to help you offset your costs, just so you can go. Do not turn this down.


Raimbaut D'Aurenga said...

You are the Devil! Which means, traditionally, you have my full attention...

TOITA said...

I am reading this with absolute NO IDEA abaut boating etc. but it looks like it is a "one in a lifetime" opportunity!!!. Remember the duck on your previous post?? well maybe it was an omen for THIS???
I like "outdoor Richmond" (well I kind of do`nt know the "others"hahaha) I guess I am not a good influcence but definitively I`ll take this chance!! (if it is of any help!!)and I guess the pictures after that trip will be awesome!!!

good luck with it!! hehe!

Take Care


Anonymous said...

I feel I MUST side with the Devil. Outdoor Richmond must triumph in this situation. That's the sort of thing you would really regret passing up and you don't need that "what if," do you?

SouthernBella said...

How the hell did you pull off teaching a world lit class? I hate everyone. I asked Stone for a raise ( i thought after 3 years of teaching, it was a reasonable request) and he basically laughed in my face and said, "tell me when you want to teach spanish again. they may pay you more." ok, he didn't laugh in my face, but he might as well have. anyway. congrats on the resume filler. give me a call. we'll do some underpaid lunch.